To submit a prize claim, you must send in the official Cashion Cash claim form along with verification of the official tournament results (i.e. newsletter/ magazine listing, website results printout or official tournament results published onsite), which verify members finish and number of boats in the field.
Qualifying tournaments must have a field minimum of 25 or more boats. The winning participant is solely responsible for submitting the completed Cashion Cash claim form and accompanying verification of results.
Cashion Cash Program Headquarters reserves the right to determine final eligibility of all claims. Please allow 5-8 weeks for approval and processing. It is important you understand the rules and requirements for eligible Cashion Cash Claims. 2024 Eligible Cashion Cash: Purchased Cashion Elite, Cashion ICON, John Crews, or Elite Inshore Rod from authorized Cashion Dealer after Dec 1, 2023. Sign up for Cashion Cash before your qualifying tournament.Â
2022 Cashion Rods Tour Registration
Presented by
NY State B.A.S.S Federation High School Anglers Fundraiser Events